How do you sum up a week of celebrations: Of life, and love and our journeys?
- Arrive a week before the event, and spend lots of time in the pool
- Experience summer rain (the locals are sick of it, but we from the dry west coast were loving it)
- oh, and order in a booming sky flashing thunderstorm for a little more entertainment
- Hang with family and old family friends
- Await the arrival of a pop-up trailer bearing a niece and a nephew and a brother and a sister in law
- Be surprised and overwhelmed by the arrival of a "suum" made by the Thai monks that live next door to your mother
- Build forts with wooden blocks and knock them down with lots of loud noise
- Show up with your Play face on
- Have too much fun and fall asleep on the floor or on the grass (beds are for sissies)
- Get dressed up and wear funny moustaches for the photo op
- Remember those we love that could not be with us in person but were certainly there in spirit
- Be always grateful and extremely thankful for the friends and family who helped to pull this week off
- Be just as extremely thankful for the friends and family that made the journey east to be with us
- Swim in the pool some more and get cannon-balled by your brothers and husband and nephew, over and over (that just never gets old, does it guys)
- Sing and dance with wild abandon
- Let some happy tears fall, while under a tent, on a balmy summer night
- Stay up way too late every night playing music and singing in the living room (note: with the rain come many mosquitos)
- Remember to hug your mother, a lot
- Take some time to sit back and drink in the moments, the days go by so quickly
- Be overwhelmed by the ways in which everyone truly showed up for this week
- Know in your heart that this life has ever more moments along the journey, just waiting for you to turn another corner and meet what is awaiting you
- Swim in the pool some more
- Walk through your mother's house and remember all the parties and all the celebrations that have taken place under this roof and out in the garden, for many many years, and reacquaint yourself with that touchstone
- Fly home and leave your suitcases all over the bedroom floor for 3 days, but open them to forage for shampoo and moisturizer
- Kiss the week adieu, and hold the memories close
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