Did you all catch how quickly January just passed us by? I have to say in all honesty that the start of the year, which I was looking forward to greatly, didn't begin with the beauty and grace that I had envisioned. The first few weeks were full of long deadlines, and a stubbed and broken toe, and lots and lots and lots of rain, and no feelings of "aaahhhh, here begins a fabulous new year". That all changed last week, well, the deadlines ended, the rain is still coming, but thankfully, and I now feel ready to begin this year with a (tiny) hop in my step, whilst singing a happy song.
So January was:
- Creating a plan for my business(es) - my artwork and my design work
- Researching and contacting 3 galleries - DID research, no contacting, but have a really great list going!
- PAINTing at least 2 hours a day - YES!
- Writing at least 2 hours every other day - hmmm, nope
And so on to February:
- Bakery's Half Dozen course - and it looks like it's starting off BIG, with the Biz Plan - who else in this group is doing the Bakery course?
- Continue researching galleries
- Same as last month: PAINT
- Focus Focus Focus: what is my next destination with my art/design/writing? A vision in my own mind needs to be conjured up. Less metaphorical rushing around putting out and starting fires, and more clear and focused thinking
- Decide what classes I want to take at Squam this september. Registration is OPEN as of today. Anyone thinking about going? Elizabeth (the brainstorm behind Squam) has a great quote up on the Squam Art Workshops site:
OK, let's go forth and experience February!
IF you are new to the Meet Up, here's the scoop:
- Post a list of your business related goals for the current month on the 1st of each month on your blog. {If the 1st falls on a weekend, post on the following Monday.}
- Come back over here and leave a link to your goals blog post in the comments of my current month's goals.
- And then {and this is the most important part, since we are a community} visit all the links in the comments, stop in and say hello, have a conversation, meet and greet and etc.
Hi Liz,
Sounds like you focused on your most important goal and made an important discovery. Love when that happens! Good luck with the Bakery course. I loved it and feel so very focused on what I need to do with my biz. Hope it does the same for you :)
My post is here http://riverdogprints.com/photocardblog/2010/02/01/the-meetup-february-2010/
Posted by: Cyn | February 01, 2010 at 12:07 PM
I'm right with you on January - lots of hurdles to jump over, plus general exhaustion from the Christmas excitement. Here's hoping you've recovered and are now entering a creativity zone! And Squam - looks awesome! Too bad it's on the opposite side of the States Plus it's during the school year, no Squam for me!
My goals: http://www.candiedfabrics.com/2010/02/01/feb-goals-meetup/
Posted by: twitter.com/CandiedFabrics | February 01, 2010 at 01:13 PM
Hey Liz, it's ok.. I manage to do only one goal off my list last month too. Although I think I made up for it by doing all the other things I've been meaning to do lol.
The Bakery course looks like a really good course to take, good luck! Hopefully sometime in the future I can take it as well.
Here's the link to my goals for February:
Good luck everyone & Happy February!!! `=O)
Posted by: Vee | February 01, 2010 at 02:35 PM
I'm intrigued by this Bakery course people are taking, can't wait to hear about it! I'm taking an adult ed business class starting next week which I'm excited about...
here are my goals:
Posted by: Lindsey | February 01, 2010 at 03:15 PM
Looks like we've all got business plan fever :). I have been using my local SCORE and SBA websites. I signed up for a mentor too. Here is my recap of January and my list of goals for February. Remember to celebrate every time you check something off your list and to not beat yourself up when you don't!
Posted by: Deborah GB | February 01, 2010 at 03:33 PM
Hi Liz. I feel the same way about the first half of January. I'm finally starting to feel invigorated by the promise of a new year. I'm so impressed you've painted 2 hours a day. Wonderful. I, too, am looking forward to the Bakery class. I need that push to do the business end of things and do them right.
My February goals: http://www.jumpingjackdesigns.com/blog/2010/02/monthly-goal-meetup-7/
Posted by: Angie | February 01, 2010 at 09:47 PM
January definatley went by in a blur. Well done on managing to paint for 2 hours a day- that's great. The Bakery class sounds fantastic. I feel a bit left out ;)
Posted by: Isa Maria | February 02, 2010 at 12:32 AM
Okay ladies...
My January goals sort of fell by the wayside. Oh no! Here they were:
1. Launch the redesign of my website, http://www.urbanitejewelry.com
The website is about 90% finished, but hasn't been launched. This is partially due to a lack of cash-flow right now (no job + slow etsy sales=no money for me!)
2. Improve my photos by building a light box and shooting on a new background.
I did indeed build a light box and photographed a new piece on it. I was planning on re-shooting all my pieces, but decided against that (it would be time consuming & cost/benefit didn't seem to pay off), but I plan on phase integrating the light box in with new pieces.
3. Releasing at least four new pieces of jewelry (ideally one a week).
Oh boy! I only released ONE!
4. Pitch my jewelry to at least one brick and mortar store.
Didn't quite accomplish this. I think I'm still nervous to!
5. Start developing the brand new (and exciting) line that I'd like to launch in the first quarter of the year.
And this guy didn't happen either!
To be fair--a huge new project came my way--I'm putting on eastern Canada's first ever indie wedding show! (It's only 1 of 5 in North America, too). But I know I need to refocus to move forward with urbanite jewelry.
So here are my February goals:
1. Finish and launch the website redesign!
2. Develop at least 10 new pieces for the two shows I'm doing this month
3. Create my bridal line
4. Create my bridal look book
These are all directly related to the two shows I'm doing this month (including that indie wedding show), so they are targeted and necessary! Here's to a GREAT February!
Posted by: krista - urbanite jewelry | February 02, 2010 at 04:57 AM
Wow, it seems like everyone had a crazyfast January. I didn't get as many things checked off my list as I'd hoped either, but I'm getting used to it.. lol. I love the comment about celebrating the things that were successful and not beating myself up over the ones that weren't. (maybe that needs to go on my goals list too..)
I'm taking the Bakery class too! I'm pretty excited about it... a little nervous too. I hadn't even though about SPORE and the local SBA- great suggestions!
Here are my February goals
Good luck everyone!
Posted by: sara | February 02, 2010 at 06:31 AM
Hi Liz,
I'm doing the Bakery course too - very excited! It's my main goal this month and I hope it helps both of us work better in our own businesses.
Here are my February goals - I would love anyone who would like to be added to my blogroll to comment and let me know. I don't have a huge following but they are loyal and they spend money.
Posted by: Kristin | February 02, 2010 at 07:15 AM
::Hanging head low::
Looks like I'm not alone in January's goals. Here's to an awesome February!
Posted by: Amanda | February 02, 2010 at 07:22 AM
Hey Krista, seems like January was a bit of a blur for most of us! So onward to a new month. Probably a whole bunch of people have suggested this, but practice pitching your jewelery to friends and family, maybe that will help the nerves. Good luck on the indie wedding show, and have a great February!
Posted by: Liz | February 02, 2010 at 09:09 AM
I've been slacking on this for the last few months, but I'm back!
Posted by: Amber | February 02, 2010 at 09:28 AM
Hi Liz, I totally agree with you on January, off to bigger and better! Congrats on your painting goal, its great to be consistently working on being creative!! I hope Feb goes great also - and count me in as one of the Meetup folks participating in the Bakery class!! Biz plan here we go! ack! (in a good way!!) See u in class :)
Posted by: deb | February 02, 2010 at 12:16 PM
krista, good luck for your indie wedding show, its great to have an immediate focus to really fire you up to do some great work! hope you have a wonderful feb!!
Posted by: deb | February 02, 2010 at 12:22 PM
Liz, your list is great. I like that it's not a long list. Mine is quite a bit longer, although it also includes spiritual/ physical goals and home/ family goals. I may have to keep re-figuring my list, but I'm hoping that having it posted (on my blog and on my bulletin board) will help me remember that I really want to accomplish these things. Link to my blog post here: http://jennyswanson.blogspot.com/2010/02/february-goals.html
Posted by: jenuine ruby | February 02, 2010 at 01:40 PM
Totally missing you. I love this painting!! Can we chat about galleries? I'd love your take on how to approach them for a group show. And last but not least, squeeze in a hike with me in your Feb plan, please :-) Love having this biz updates here and will join the group in March! xo
Posted by: Alex | February 02, 2010 at 03:12 PM
the beauty and grace is all over this gorgeous painting! congrats on hitting your goal of 2 hours of painting each day!
Posted by: aimee | February 02, 2010 at 04:59 PM
Like I said earlier in January though I have a lot on my plate right now and my list may not have a lot of checks at the end of the month, I know I can accomplish something. And having goals even if I am not able to complete them all is a huge motivator. I am just making sure I continue along a path that is moving forward.
Posted by: Nicole | February 02, 2010 at 06:27 PM
Hi everyone! Still need to get to making a logo for this, but happy to do my goals list! Hope everyone had a great Jan and an even better Feb!
Posted by: stephanita | February 04, 2010 at 05:28 PM
Liz, those look like great goals. I checked out the Bakery course, wow, definitely need to get on that last time (and emailed them to get notified) SQUAM: heard amazing things, very cool, and FOCUS: so hard to do, having this group helps w/accountability, thx for hosting it!
Posted by: stephanita | February 04, 2010 at 05:30 PM
I agree that January passed by way too quickly! Have a great weekend!
Posted by: likeschocholate | February 05, 2010 at 05:22 AM
Sorry I'm running a little behind! I just posted my goals update on my blog this morning. http://kf-creativestash.blogspot.com/2010/02/monthly-goal-meet-up.html
Liz, you're goals are great! It's really interesting to see how you are tackling your art & design businesses since I am also a painter & designer. Good luck with your biz plan and Good luck everyone in Feb!
Posted by: Kristen | February 09, 2010 at 08:53 AM
sounds like you are on your way! you go girl! you are so lucky you are going to squam. can´t wait to hear about it. besos-jane
Posted by: Jane | February 09, 2010 at 12:56 PM
Argh, I'm late again! Here's my post:
Great goals, Liz. I like your emphasis on focus. Being clear about your destination really helps in setting realistic goals and accomplishing them!
Posted by: Jessica | February 10, 2010 at 01:01 PM
Wanted to share with everyone a fabulous new website from Sara Tims of Sarah + Abraham. It is a consortium of artisans sharing their knowledge on starting and running an online business and handmade goods. Go over and check it out when you get a chance looks like it will be really informative.
Posted by: Nicole | February 15, 2010 at 01:34 PM