Do you ever ask yourself that same question? Do you ever find that you are waiting for your moment, though you might not know exactly what it will look like or feel like, nevertheless you hope it’s on the way, and so you wait for it? And wait some more? Do you find yourself waiting for approval from a teacher or mentor, or from your peers, waiting for the nod that says NOW, you’re ready?
To read more, join me over on Scoutie Girl.
This was a great post, I even took notes in my handy biz notebook! I realized after reading how open I am to graphic opportunities and closed I am for my artwork opportunities. Although I say I want that side to grow I am sure not acting that way. Important thing for me to ponder, jot down to think on. Thanks for that. Congrats on being a SG contributor Liz!!!
Posted by: Kristen (Creative Stash) | April 06, 2011 at 08:57 AM
yes yes yes! i waited for "permission" for 10 years, then just said "now or never" and quit my Big Girl Job. Literally from the hour I gave my notice, opportunities began ringing on my phone, dropping into my email and smacking me in the face. i am making some of the best art of my life because i don't have the pressure of "tomorrow is a work day so i better hurry." I left the job with the attitude of retirement (although i still have 10 more years for that!), rather than the thought that i had to make the same amount of money. guess what? oh, you guessed! the money comes just when it's needed. Linda
Posted by: linda | April 26, 2011 at 05:14 PM