- Send out 15-20 more e-mails to blogs who cover art and artists
- Work on developing web site that will work for my art as well as tying together etsy shop, and blog
- Work up ideas for the 3 different series of posts for blog: goal is to launch first series in early August: So You Want to Be a Freelance Designer
- Write and send out my first newsletter by 15 July. Plan ahead, and send out once a month at mid month
- Create 3 new card sets for the shop.
- Update the shop with new prints of paintings
- And finally, remind myself in the lulls of activity, that there are so many others out there doing and trying and experimenting and learning and working with their art, with their craft, with their skills and with their full hearts... I may not know them all by name, but they are out there, and there is huge comfort in that.
- allowing time and energy to focus on my own work
- reminding myself that this is just as important as the work I am contracted to do for others
And so, August Goals
- Send out 25 e-mails to blogs who cover art and artists
- Develop a web site that will work for my art as well as tying together etsy shop, and blog
- Work up ideas for the 3 different series of posts for blog: goal is to launch first series in mid-late August: So You Want to Be a Freelance Designer
- Write and send out my first newsletter by 15 August. Plan ahead, and send out once a month at mid month. Create "columns" and regular topics
- Create 3 new card sets for the shop
- Update the shop with new prints of paintings
- Brainstorm another product type for the shop
- Get in 10 hours of painting/creating a week - away from the computer
- Practice thinking beyond the paying clients, and even think of Myself, as my own best client
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