1. Your first thought when waking this morning?
Very aware of how sore I was from a day of mainland grocery shopping, hauling cases of water and traveling around in city traffic for seven hours. I schooled myself in a planned return to the elliptical trainer.
2. What is one thing that makes you dance?
Getting real mail from friends.
3. Three favourite words?
Joy. Gratitude. Viola!
4. A book/writer that has changed your life, or your view on life?
5. An artist that has changed your life, or your view on life?
I’m conflicted in this because he was such a conflicted soul: Picasso. Nothing was off limits to his creativity. A paraphrase of one of my favorite sayings of his, “If you knew, in advance, what it was going to be – why would you bother creating it?”
6. Favourite colour(s) and why?
Ironically my favorite colors now are colors that I was very VERY resistant to in the first half of my life. Orange. Yellow. Green. These are invigorating, illuminating, happy colors. And I was such a serious, focused soul in the first half of my life I thought the right colors for me were blue, purple and black. Now, in the second half of my life I am serious, focused and joyful. And I appreciate the colors that reinforce and validate that state of mind.
7. Favourite place(s) in the whole wide world?
Where I am in any given moment. Assisi, Italy.
8. Recipe for staying positive when life feels hard?
Write to make it right. I write until I discover what I need to know. Also, I remind myself that my attitude is the one thing I control and at any given moment I may, “choose joy.”
9. What is your fondest/dearest wish right now?
To compassionately pursue my mission: inspiring myself and others in spite of challenging circumstances or criticism. To fully engage in all the gifts I have been given and validate my actions by my own measures, daily. To meet all my obligations and embrace my life experiences with abundance. Oh, wait. Would that be three dearest wishes…can I roll them into one? Yes, please.
10. At the end of this day what things are you totally grateful for?
At the end of the day I am totally grateful for my circle of known souls:my husband, my ancestors and family, my island friends, my far away friends, my writing students, my writing partners, my professional associates whom I consider friends, my licensing partners. I am grateful for the people in my past, both advocates and adversaries, who have contributed to who I am today. I am grateful for the whole “food chain” of talent and labor that bring services and supplies to my life here on the island on which I live. Interestingly enough, it was not last night but just this morning I wrote four pages of gratitudes of just this very thing…my gratitudes for the people in my life expanding outward from my heart and history like concentric circles. water rings around the stone of my life thrown into the river of our days.
So, remember to leave a comment that includes your 3 most favourite words and you can win a copy of this wonderful journal published by Brush Dance. (I will leave the comments open until next Monday 21 September.)
Have a wonderful Monday!
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