And here we are back to September. I know that we celebrate New Year in January, because come on, that's when the ball drops in Times Square, right. But is anyone else with me on the fact that September REALLY is the start of the new year?
There's the back to school exodus, everyone is out clothes shopping, stationery and office supplies are being purchased, people are getting serious about their goals and their mission in life and squirrels are burying nuts. Maybe that last one doesn't totally apply, but the squirrels here are really really busy after a summer of lounging.
So how did August go?
- Design projects on deck - one down, a few more to go
- Create Jewelery Making Goals - have narrowed down my focus (and what makes me most happy) and am making, making, making
- Work on writing projects - not much happened with this one
- Finish designing birthday cards - have one more to go! and am done with the astrology birthday cards
- Newsletter for Etsy shop - will go out this week
- Paint - yes yes yes, tho didn't get in as much time as I would have wanted to (what's new?)
- Enjoy the August sun - this is the easiest one to say Yes to
OK well here goes for September:
- Finish out the 2 remaining design projects over the next month and a half.
- Make room for lots of jewelery design.
- Design 3 covers for journal series I want to porudce on my own.
- Start flower painting series for licensing. 12 images. Seasonal. Pen & Ink and Paint.
- Allow myself to re-schedule something when I am on a roll with something else. Remember to remember that going where the fire is and re-scheduleing (if possible) is where my best work is going to come from.
- With whatever free time is left, make things that make me happy, and don't think past that.
- Take out The Money Book again, and do a thorough read, and thorough note taking/plan for the "new" year/financial assessment
- Get some Long walks in this month.
Let's go make September the most fabulous new year celebration of life, and creativity, and sustenance, and receptivity, and abundance that has ever been! Here we come!
OH, also, just wondering if anyone else might like to "do" #7 with me. If any of you have been wanting to read The Money Book, have started it but not finished it, are in the midst of financial planning and etc. maybe we could work through it together, and see if we can all make a dent in this thing we loosely call finances and money. E-mail me and let me know if you're interested: liz.kalloch{at}
Here are some reviews of the book if you've never heard of it: here and here.
IF you are new to The Meetup or would like to play along, here's the scoop:
- Post a list of your business related goals for the current month on the 1st of each month on your blog. {If the 1st falls on a weekend, post on the following Monday.}
- Come back over here and leave a link to your goals blog post in the comments of my current month's goals.
- And then {and this is the most important part, since we are a community} visit all the links in the comments, stop in and say hello, have a conversation, meet and greet and etc.
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